The article is in Chinese, but the later VS 2005 configuration part should be easy to follow with all the snapshots it provides.
For the Qt installation part, you can search "Qt visual studio 2005" and follow the video.
Some tips to mention:
1. After Qt installation, compilation is still needed.
2. You should use "visual studio 2005 command prompt" (instead of windows cmd) to key in the commands.
3. It takes long for "configure" and even longer for "nmake"(2-3 hrs).
4. When installing Qt Visual Studio Integration, you may receive warning message saying "cannot find Qt package" or "vs 2005 service pack 1 is not installed".
For the first one, just ignore it. I have tried a simple example. So far so good.
For the second one, you should update your vs2005 (install service pack 1) first. And check your disk space for it, MS products do eat hardware.